Family Life Committee

3/15  Breakfast

Ticket sales went very well.  We anticipate around 100 people.  Most of you have agreed to show up at around 7.  At that time we'll have eggs to crack, tables to set, beverage station to set up, pancakes to begin prepping etc.  Thanks in advance! 

3/20  Stations of the Cross

We decided that as a group we would attend the Stations of the Cross at 7 pm.  This is also a night where the sacrament of Reconciliation will be available.  

3/29  2nd Communion Coffee and donuts

The day after our 2nd graders make their First Holy Communion we will be celebrating this as a parish by inviting them to mass and a small social afterwards. The kids are invited to wear their fancy clothes and come to the 9:30 mass.  We'll serve coffee, juice, milk and donuts etc. for this.  Anyone wishing to bake is welcome to do so.  We need volunteers to run this one.

4/4   Lenten Movie Night

As we did last year we will be showing the movie "The Passion of the Christ".  We will once again advertise this as an adults only event.  Since the movie is quite long it should begin no later than 7 pm.

4/12  Easter Egg Hunt

Kelly and Luisa seem to have this one under control  I think the hunt is slated to take place between the 8 and the 9:30 masses.

Other news;

1.  Steve had the wonderful idea of having a yard sale and family festival.  We discuseed charging folks $10 per table to rent for the day, accepting donations of things for our own tables, renting games and a bouncer for the kids, serving food etc.  There's a lot of planning to go into this one but it could be great fun and something we haven't yet attempted.   

2.  It was suggested that in the coming year the Confirmation luncheon could be trimmed down to include just cake and coffee.  Most Confirmandi and their families had their own parties to attend and didn't want to eat sandwiches.  Thanks to those of you who helped make this happen!

3.  Karen Gagnon suggested that we give the St. Vincent de Paul society a donation towards their food drive.  Please let me know if you agree with this suggestion.

4.  Still waiting for info about the Bronx zoo trip. 

5.  Our FLC meetings will now be held on the second Tues. of the month unless you hear otherwise.  I will continue to send out reminders and it will also be in the bulletin.